The foundation for our business coaching is the Value Builder System developed by the highly successful entrepreneur, author, and thought leader John Warrilow. This System informs which areas the business owner should focus on to grow the value of and protect their business on their way to financial freedom. We start with the Value Builder Score and then coach, guide, and advise our clients to financial freedom using the Value Builder System and our 30+ years of coaching experience.

Many challenges arise on the road to financial freedom. Two challenges to business growth are quality business relationships and referrals. We became a Network in Action franchise to most effectively attract and mobilize elite business owners to share referrals and learn from each networking group’s professional and paid leader, the Network in Action platform, and each other. Think of our networking groups as “masterminds plus.”

Over the years we added several more services most business owners will need. These services save the business owner the time, effort, and risk of finding an outstanding service provider. This enables the business owner to focus on growing their business by doing what they do best.

Business Coaching

Many coaches ‘wing it’ or use their own, typically ad hoc ‘system’. Our coaches use the proven Value Builder System and its 8 business drivers to help the business owner improve performance, overcome challenges, attain goals, grow business value, and achieve freedom.

Coaching on each of the 8 business drivers is supplemented as needed with coaching in:

  • Leadership development

  • Team development

  • Organizational development

  • Strategy

  • Culture management

  • Employee engagement

  • Work-life balance

We start by looking at your Value Builder Overall Score for your business and how your score compares to your industry’s average score.

Data from 55,000 companies shows that raising Overall Score to 80+ increases value by an average of 71% - typically resulting in millions of dollars of new value.

You will get scores on each of the 8 Key Drivers.

With your coach, you will quickly learn which drivers will yield the biggest increases in the estimated value of your business.

Our business coaching combined with your effort will take your Overall Score to 80+.

And your business value will grow 71% or more - usually millions of dollars.

More services we offer that businesses need

  • Networking & Mastermind Groups

    Networking can be a shot in the dark – a waste of time. Time is your most valuable resource. So we offer the opportunity to connect, build real (not deal) relationships and learn with the best – elite business owners. Give and receive referrals. Grow the value of your business much faster.

  • Certified Business Valuation

    Amazingly most business owners don’t know the true value of their business – a dollar value you can count on should something happen. Our team takes a fact-based, data-driven approach to get a certified business valuation – one that will hold up in a court of law and in a business transition or sale.

  • Money Saving Audits: Specialized Tax Credits

    The tax code has over 72,000 pages and CPAs usually live in 150-250 of those. You are very likely missing out on HUGE incentive credits. We only focus on these credits. We don’t compete with your accounting firm – we supplement what your accounting firm now does for you.

  • Money Saving Audits: Expense Reduction

    Payroll, benefits, insurances, 401K plans just to name a few. We look at over 40 areas to make sure your business is getting the absolute best rates available. We continue monitoring changes to your services to make sure the prices remain most favorable to your bottom line.

  • Tax Strategy Planning

    Take every opportunity to minimize your taxes. Most accounting firms and CPAs are reactive, not proactive. Our team, a 2nd set of eyes reviews everything to make sure nothing is left on the table. You end up confident that you paid no more tax than you had to.

  • Estate Planning and Wills

    Most people either have an outdated will or worse, no will. A lot can change in as little as a year. Our team reviews (or co-creates) your estate plan for anything missing or needing updating, and develops strategies to save your beneficiaries unnecessary costs or taxes, including capital gains taxes upon sale of your business.

  • Protect Your Business: Insurances & More

    Your business faces many risks. Insurances cover some of these risks. We perform a risk identification and analysis including an insurance audit. We recommend ways to reduce and manage your business risks. You sleep better knowing that your business, perhaps your most valuable asset is adequately protected.

  • What Are You Waiting For? Get Corporate Credit Now!

    Corporate credit, often called business credit, offers 12 advantages over personal credit/guarantees. These advantages contribute to financial health, growth, and stability . . . better access to capital and cash flow management, separation of personal and business finances and much less personal risk, enhanced purchasing power, and much more. You need a score of 80+ . . .

What Our Clients Say

“I used to dislike networking. It took too much time and didn’t provide much value. Peter introduced me to people who share my values and interests. I built solid relationships – there was mutual trust and respect – we shared referrals, learned from each other, gained access to new opportunities, resources, and information, solved challenges, and got much more visible, . . . Peter helped me grow my business and now I like networking!” - J.S.